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ISC 2017 Batch Freshers’ Party

发布时间:2017-12-13   浏览次数:0


     A week after the ISC’s Department of Sports had successfully organized it’s first event, the Badminton Tournament, the Department of Recreation decided to hold a Freshers’Party for the 2017 batch students. This event was a kind of welcome ceremony for the new comers to help them ease in and have fun. Furthermore, it was good chance for the 2016 batch students to get to know more about their juniors.


    The students of the 2017 batch students were all cordially invited to be present and enjoy an evening with the 2016 batch students.


    At first, Vice President Garry initiated the start of the Freshers’Party with an opening speech to convey to everyone the reason of the event and it’s importance. He ended his speech by introducing the Anchors of the event- Fahim and Yashaswini.

    To make things interesting, a competition was hosted for the 2017 batch students, the winners of which would be crowned Mr. Fresher and Ms. Fresher. This competition consisted of three rounds, where a person would participate in the second round only if he/she had qualified in the first round. The judges of the competition were- Jennis (2015 batch), Nana (2014 batch) and Abhijeet (2013 batch).


    The first round of the competition was The Ramp Walk, where every student walk the red carpet up to the judges one by one and presented themselves to the judges. What we observed was the unique dressing senses of each student, the manner in which they walk, the way they hold themselves and their expression.

    After the first round, while the judges determined who qualified for the second round, there was an entertainment period where Emmanuelle performed a magic show for everyone. A very commendable act from Emmanulle who, being a first year student himself, prepared and performed a splendid show for all of us.


    From the approximate 50 people in the first round, 20 competitors were selected for the next the round- The Prop Dance. Sahil Jafri from the 2016 batch volunteered to demonstrate how this round was to proceed for the sake of the students’clarity with the rules and for some extra laughs. In this round, contestants picked a prop and a song at random. They would have to make use of whatever prop they had received and use it to dance to the random song in whatever way they wanted for 30 seconds in front of the judges. This was to see the individual’s creativity, craftiness and confidence of expression.

    After the second round, while the judges discussed over who moves on to the finals, there was another entertainment period where Amin and Alfred played the song “Havana” for everyone. A true delight for the ears, Amin (2017 batch), for contributing to his own Freshers’Party, and Alfred (2014 batch), for taking the time to prepare and perform, were received with applause.


    Then there were 8, 8 finalists for the last round of the competition from whom Mr. and Ms. Fresher would be chosen. The final round was a Q/A round where a question was picked at random from 8 different questions and asked to a contestant. This round would show the student’s own mindset, perspective, sense of reasoning and test his/her nerves.

    At the end of the final round, while the judges talked over who to were fit to be Mr. Fresher and Ms. Fresher, there was one last period of entertainment. During this time, there was a sort of “dance off” between the 2016 batch students and the 2017 batch students. Here, a song was played for a minute at random and 2 people from the 2017 batch came up voluntarily to dance, after which 2 people from the 2016 batch came up and volunteered to dance. This went on for a few rounds everyone cheered and applauded loudly throughout each dance.



    Finally, Vaibhav won the Mr. Fresher award and the award for Ms. Fresher went to Mansi. They were congratulated by KP, president of the ISC, the judges, and other board members for their outstanding performances.


    KP delivered an ending speech to finish the event. With that, another successful event appears in the history of the International Students Council.


                                                           Contributor:2016 batch  ISLAM FAHIM AIMAN 法希姆
